
Well, I have my little boy on my mind so I thought that I'd blog about him. I'm sure people get tired of hearing about him, but, nope not me. It is the one subject that I can't get enough of. I can't get enough of him nor describing his nuances to friends and family. As of the most recent update, my little baby loves to hold a baseball bat. He even has a pretty good stance. He bends his knees and holds the bat perfectly. Albeit, he hasn't mastered hitting the ball but exclaims "Oh, God!" after every pitch. And goes "ooohhh." Or something like that. He now likes to pitch too and likes for me to hit it to the ceiling and watch it bounce. Again, amazed at how the ball can reach all the way to the ceiling. As for words, he still loves to point out the birds, dogs, balls and cars. He is especially funny when he hears any kind of beep. We were at a home furnishing store and he heard some of the trailers beep as they backed up and he makes the cutest shocked face ever. He opens his mouth wide and makes his eyes real big until the sound goes away. He loves any kind of beep. He has also learned how to beep the steering wheel on my car. He can do this over and over and also knows how to set off the alarm on the car via the remote. I'm sure neighbors are not happy with his new discovery. But, I don't care. It is just the beginning of all of the new discoveries in his little life. He also likes to imitate his daddy. Whatever daddy does, my little boy will do to. He will emulate anything that shouldn't be emulated. Such as changing a light bulb. I can see his willfulness developing right in front of me.
Random thoughts:
Update on size:
He is in clothes 18-24 months (shirts need to be bigger and shorts are smaller). But, basically his clothes are a little lose but still look cute.
Shoes are size 5.5. He has pretty big "paws" as his loving aunt would say.
He also loves books. Likes to look at the different pages and do some baby chatter as though he can read. He is speaking in some sentences. Like: "I like that." "Play with me." "Outside now." "Shoes, we go bye-bye." And we march to the pottie and march whenever he needs a change of pace.
He also took me outside of his school to show me his playground. He loves to show me the new things that he has discovered. I don't get to see him play during the day but somehow he wants me to share in his experience. If only I didn't have to see small snapshots of his life. If I got to be there all day long, I think it would be more fulfilling.
I too have changed since having him. I make up all kinds of jingles to amuse him as I benefit too from his smiles and laughter.
One of the songs I sing is "Happy happy joy, joy, you are a big boy!" That's after he uses the pottie and we say bye-bye to his poopie. I honestly never thought that I would ever wave bye-bye to anything that went down the pottie.
Oh, and he also likes to sing the rain-rain song. He will remind me that we haven't sang it by saying "Rain, rain." So, I will continue to tickle his feet and sing to him. My little sweetheart.
Hmm...well I'm getting a bit tired so I had better run.
Adieu until we meet....
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