Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Put one foot in front of the other....

Today is the day after my little boy walked (supported by a little baby walker). I should have known that he would be a quick study because he wants to push the Walmart cart whenever he is resting on my hip and the cart is in front of us. So amazing for someone who will be 9 months in 8 days... Wow, that time went by...amazingly fast. He has 6 teeth now... they are not fully in but peeking through. He's getting so big.. .

As far as strides go..uhmm...he is now in his crib. It was hard getting him there... Don't know who it is harder for..me or him... He's quite a snuggly baby. I tried to put him in there last night and he cried for what seemed like hours..but, probably realistically amounted for maybe 15 minutes. He got extremely worked up... And those tears and pouts...in the corner of his crib make me wonder if the torture is really worth it...to buy me a bit of freedom. And him...a better night's sleep than sleeping with mommy and daddy. Daddy snores...so that doesn't allow the young one to sleep that great. He does wake up smiling now...which is something that I enjoy seeing... He's quite lovely. Anyway, we did our morning ritual and we got to school and did the drop off thing. I drop him and fly out the door to get to work. He looked over his day keeper's shoulder and said with his eyes.... I'm gonna miss you mmmuuummmm. And I'm thinking.. Baby I miss you before I am even gone..... Everyone at his school likes him.. So, that does ease some of the guilt. But, when I am at the office.. the mundane, calls, the radical attorneys' and their egos become so small in comparison to my little babe that is waiting for me at school... I'm lucky to have him and blessed that he is in my life.... I love that little boy until it almost hurts... Oh, yea he fell down this past Saturday.... He cut his upperlip. Can you say "PANIC?" That's what I did. He cried and I wanted to cry, but didn't. He looked pitiful then too... He has stole my heart and everything that is attached to it... Gosh, what is he going to be like at 16? I'm sure we will be financing his first car for him at that time... I am hoping that we are blessed enough to do that..... Well, I've got to run..hugs to all.

Adieu, L.


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