Saturday, July 23, 2005

Working on the weekend

Today is Saturday. Day two of my new blog. Oh, to be so young and fresh! This morning was quite hectic. My little baby woke up with me this morning cooing and wanting to be held. At first site of him at about 6:30 a.m. he was sleeping upside down and content as could be. Then something woke him up and our day starting at 7:15 a.m. You see his daddy is working odd hours as he is in inspector. So, instead of the normal 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. it's now somewhere around 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. So, this past week I consider myself a single mom. You know that the woman ends up doing the lion share of everything. That's what I have been told from my sister and sister-in-law. And the more I do the work, the more I can concur with their assesment of motherhood. So, we woke up (Dad got home and went to bed...lucky him!) and I fed the baby and he played in his exersaucer. A handy contraption, I might add. However, one does not stay that amused for a long time..since their world is all about them. Don't get me wrong, he's absolutely adorable and worth it. So, I proeeded to make bottles, juggle a couple of phone calls and get him ready to take to a friend's house as I am in the office today ALL DAY. So, all this took about 1.5 hours and then I had to get myself ready. So, we left the house and went to my friend's house and on the way there we passed a garage sale. So, I made a mental note to stop by it after dropping him off. I then dropped him off and dressed my friend's two kids. They were partially dressed just needed a little help as she was holding my baby. Her hubby then made me some to go coffee. His coffee is the best!!!! He told me he saves the good stuff for the good people! And I am thinking..what do you give the people/friends that aren't good? The Folgers coffee? But, didn't say that. You see he leaves for Iraq on Monday. So, their family dynamics will change. And I will help her as much as I can with her two children. Well, I must get back to it. The boss is moving around....


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