In Box/Out Box Is Empty

How many times does that really happen in your lifetime? For me, this is probably a first. But, of course we won't mention the "personal" inbox which contains stuff in folders. But, what appears to be nothing in the out/in is really a feaupaux. Isn't that kind of like life? What may appear to be something so awesome...may not be at all. Will our outbox/inbox ever be empty? If you think about it...even in the end...the box is full...that's if you chose to have a box or not... That's a whole other issue...
As for my bebe (which is what this blog is about)...he had a very rough night last night. Up all hours of the night. Needing consolation and patience...a lot of it from me and hubby. Nothing really made him happy except maybe the Baby Orajel and some Baby Tylenol. Thank God for the two miracle modern drugs. Where would would be without them??? I walked him, trying to feed him, let him play only for him to pass out in my arms as I sang... "Hush little baby..." It took a lot of refrains to get him to calm down... He definitely has a strong sense of will... Such as "I will not sleep. I will drive my mommy crazy. And I will go to sleep when I am good and ready." In the end, he did sleep, but not quite long enough. The last peek at time was 4:00 a.m. that's about all I can remember.. the rest is vague..and today, well today I am tired.
Still counting down the days 'til blast off... It will be in about 10 days.... little one will be one year of age. Wow... a little man.. all of his own... ready to face the next challenge... I am hoping that the terrible two's aren't that bad. My baby is a good kid. He loves to be held and cuddled. He really can't get enough of it.. I'm thinking that I can't either... I love that child.. almost 'til it hurts... I don't know what I will do when he goes to school and doesn't need me...or want my protection.... We'll see... for now, I'll let him be 1 and treasure every minute of it....
Hmmm....he loves Cheetos (something that his Uncle) introduced him to...likes to put bubbles all over himself while bathing.. and loves to drink the tap water from the tub...kind of a ritual with him to get him out... Oh, he also loves this yellow stick.. it really isn't anything..but, he has to hold it. We call him King A when he holds it. Oh, yea he took three steps on Sunday...unassisted and of course, I clapped in approval. He was so proud... Hasn't really said much else.. I am wondering what he will say on his
Well, I must run now...
Hugs again to my loyal readers.. That's if I have any....
Adieu, Laura